Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Piano Tuning and Repair

I am making reference to my new website.  As part of promoting search engine hits on the site and thus upping my ranking I am writing...

Debra Legg Piano Service provides professional piano tuning and repairs to Rockport, Essex, Gloucester, Manchester, Hamilton, Wenham, Beverly, Salem, Peabody, Danvers and Rowley, MA.  Debra Legg also services player pianos and reed organs.  Visit her website at:  

Some of you might even post a link to the site on your blog!

As time permits I will be adding a photo gallery page as well as some images on the other pages.

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Big Project...

still in the works.

You might notice a new link - at the top of my Links list in the sidebar.

This has been a major undertaking with a very steep learning curve!  I started at 9 a.m. and it's now 2:48 p.m.  I've only taken a 45 minute break for lunch.  I'm done for today.

There is still much more that I want to do with the site and over the next few days I hope to add more...including pictures, and change the contact page with a contact form that uses my site email.  It'll all get done.

Just not now.  Not after a grueling 4+ hours.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Up for Air

Ivory keys stained by mouse urine - yuck
Regluing all the loose ivories using special clamps
 Yeah, it has been busy around here.  Mostly work, work, work.  Which is a good thing.  R and I have been to Maine to service a player piano.  Then I went to Wakefield the following week to repair another player piano.  I've had a lot of ivory key repair work in the shop.  I love the finickiness of regluing, bleaching, and other key repairs but three of them at the same time takes up a lot of bench space!  I put some pictures here and you can see more on my FB page.  Just look for Debra Legg Piano Service on FB.
Same set of ivories - much prettier after bleaching!
Anyway, I'm finally down to one set of keys still working their way through the process, so I'm a bit more relaxed.  Today, R and I went to the Cape Ann Museum.  Every January they have free admission for Cape Ann residents.  We spent about 90 minutes taking in a whole bunch of neat stuff.  I wanted R to see the Ralph Coburn exhibit, so we started with that.  Then we worked our way down from the third floor checking out all the rest of the neat stuff there.

So yes, I'm still alive and have resurfaced!  And.....

the staircase is still clear!