Saturday, November 07, 2015

For Veteran's Day...

and for memories, and to honor those Cape Ann WWII veterans that are still alive, Jason Grow produced a wonderful photography exhibit. 
The official opening was today at Gloucester City Hall.  We know several of the veterans photographed for the show. 
In the auditorium with a small band playing 40's music on stage, food table in the back, and the exhibit along both sides of the seating.
Our friend, Arnold Knauth, was one of them.  Arnold turned 98 just a couple weeks ago and is still very active, out walking most days...still drives. too.
Arnold  Knauth, age 98
When he arrived at the exhibit, we ushered him over to the photo taken of him.  "That's me?"  59 veterans were photographed for this special 70th anniversary of the end of the war Veteran's Day.

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