Saturday, June 01, 2019

Having Problems?

It has been brought to my attention that comments were not being forwarded to me for moderation and then posting approval.  Honestly, I don't know why.  I've now made a few changes within the settings area of my blog that will hopefully fix it.  Time will tell!


deb said...


Bernard said...

Hi Deb,
Let me have another go. I won't type too much in case it goes off into the 'blogosphere' and gets gobbled up by Google. Mind you, you have got me thinking - I haven't had a comment on my blogs for five years. I still do a bit on YouTube but get no comments there either.
I love your painting of the old motor with the chap thinking "Now did I tighten up that nut inside the gear box before re-assembly?"
All the best,
PS I've actually copied this to Note-Pad so I don't need to start again. Testing, testing.