Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This post is being written on my verrrry slow laptop as my 'good' computer is being updated. So nothing fancy with this post. First off...an enormous HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! to dickiebo, my blog twin. I hope you have a fantastic day. My B'day should be quite exciting but I'm going to make you wait for the details and the pictures of the unexpected adventure that I will be having on my birthday. Then, on Thursday the gang should be heading to the White Mountains for a mini-vacation. I'll be back to work on Sunday and Monday. Sometime on Monday I'm hoping my big computer will be ready to come home and it's then that I'll post about my adventures.

This old laptop barely cranks along and is riddled with little problems and quirks. I never know if it will actually start up. It never does it with grace, always demanding some sort of tweaking before Windows will run. And of course I'm quite inept at computer tweaking. I'm hoping it will hang in there for email retrieval until I'm set once again with the main machine.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that it's only the laptop that is S-L-O-W???

deb said...

Are you suggesting that we are well matched?

Anonymous said...

Sister, I'm so slow that I go backwards.

deb said...

Having passed the half century mark several years ago, I believe *that* is the preferred direction!