Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mall Avoidance

'Tis the season.


We always try to beat the crowds and get the majority of Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving.  There are normally a few little things left to find and purchase after Turkey Day has passed to get one out among the throngs of crazed, to-the-mall drivers to sustain that holiday spirit!
Step in to the past

So...a few days ago 'R' and I trucked on up to Newburyport to look in the specialty shops there for one specific gift.  No luck.
The old luncheonette

But we had a good morning of it anyway and stopped for coffee at Fowle's.  Not much has changed there since it was built although now it's just a fully stocked newstand in one half and a counter or booth luncheonette in the other.

We roamed around long enough to have to stop for lunch on the way home.

A step back in time time.

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