Thursday, February 20, 2014


Been a while since I've posted.  Not that many have noticed!

Anyway, I'm still alive.

Some stuff:
It's has been too darn cold and snowy and that has been taking a lot of my extra energy.  However, it's warm today at 40°. Unfortunately, I'm working in the shop, then going to a meeting at the Sandy Bay Historical.  Back to 20°s next week.

My mom switched her auto insurance.  She went to her agent with the required deposit check and the agent filed all the paperwork.  The company wanted it filed online and then mailed to them, as well.  Well, they goofed and issued two policies using her check and creating an electronic transfer check for funds from her checking account, realized their mistake, cancelled the extra policy AND THEN instead of refunding that extra $500 they took from her checking account, they just applied it, without her permission, to the first policy.  So, they got a double deposit.  She needs the $500 back and we sent them copies of her cancelled check and the cancelled "check" that they created.  They say they won't refund the money unless she proves that both amounts were taken from her account.  This she had to do by getting a letter from the bank.  Idiots.  The required info has been sent and if a check doesn't arrive soon, we'll head to the police station to file a complaint.  We'll also file a complaint with the state insurance commission.

I've got better uses for my time.  Why can no one do their job correctly?

It has been over four months since my lawyer has submitted all the paperwork to Probate to close out the estate of my aunt.  Four months and nothing has been done in Probate.  The papers sit there.  All that is required is a signature to release the funds.  Everything is done except for one signature.  Four months...unbelievable.

Other stuff?  Work, work, work.  Lots of keys in the shop.  Even a set all the way from Hawaii!  'R' has the large reservoir from the church organ in the shop, too.  He works on that - I work on keys.

We've been to a couple auctions and indoor yard sales.  I found six Statue of Liberties to buy at one of the yard sales.  At another antiques show and sale I found a liberty bond poster with the statue's arm and torch as a large part of the illustration.  The dealer wanted $400.  Didn't buy it.  At another table there was a very large bronze medallion commemorating the statue.  They wanted $125 for that.  Didn't buy it.

What I have bought is a laptop computer.  Not using it yet as it is at my computer guy getting set up.  Hopefully being portable will be money well spent.  This desktop on which I'm typing still works fine and will be my main computer until it dies.  Everyone seems amazed that it is still working more than fine after 10 years.  I treat my stuff good!

Stop & Shop supermarket has a 'new' low prices promotion.  They decided to hang banners from the light poles and along the main entrance for the grand celebration - the day before our last blizzard.  Half the banners got destroyed in less than 24 hours.  Didn't anyone think that outdoor displays would not be a good the middle of winter...the day before a blizzard with predicted winds gust over 50 mph?  More idiots.  What a waste of time and money.

We planted pepper seeds a couple weekends ago.  Last year they came in too late and we only got a few green peppers.  This year we've started earlier.  They're sitting in a nice sunny (when the sun is out) window.  Fingers crossed, nothing poking through the soil yet.

Nascar season has started.  Hooray!  Forced time off while we sit and watch the races.  The Daytona 500 is this weekend.  Wish I were there...the race...the warmth of Florida.

Well, that's a bit of my news.  Must head off to that meeting......

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