Sunday, March 22, 2015

Yearly Exhibit Option

The Contributing Members Show at the Rockport Art Association begins in one week.  Wednesday is the drop-off day for artwork.  ,I have one oil painting and one photograph that I plan on showing.  This year, between work and shoveling, I've only one oil painting.  Actually I have two oil paintings and one goauche that I would like to show...but that isn't allowed.  I have to pick just one.
So my selection for this year is:
#1 (maybe?)
Now the added problems of what to title it and how to price it.  I've had several titles chosen for this particular painting - The Moon's Motive, Moonlight Motive, My Motive.  On and on.  What one must understand with all these titles is that real Rockportoricans call the Motif the Motive.  I may just keep it short at "#1" (for its full name of Motif #1...or Motive #1).

Pricing is another dilemma when I must consider that the frame, alone, cost about $100, the painting is large-ish at 18 X 24, the entry fee is $5, yearly membership in order to exhibit in the one show is $40 (or maybe it was $35, I can't remember) and the BIGGIE, the RAA charges a 40% commission on sales.

It'll all get decided by Wednesday and per my norm, I will not be satisfied with any of it!

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