I decided that I'd better get to writing a post before dickiebo disowned me...or worse. There are just times that I haven't felt very inspired to write anything. It's not that I haven't anything to say or to write about, it's that I can't seem to motivate myself to get started on it. Overdoing other things, I guess.
A week ago was the first Old Firehouse Craft Fair for this year. At 8:30 am, I hauled myself and my gear downtown. Actually, my mom did the hauling of my gear and me. She was there to give me a hand setting up. Then she left for most of the day, returning only to give me a break around lunch time and helping me pack up at the end. The fair lasted from 10 am until 4 pm. Being as it was very poorly advertised (read 'next to nil'), attendance was slimmer than I had hoped. As you know, Mary and Beth came down and they made my first sales of the day! Later in the afternoon I sold some more packages of notecards and a couple more easel minis. So, not as profitable as I had hoped and I will be modifying my items for sale. The next fair will be on July 5 and I'll be there. I'm adding two or three new products to my inventory. One of which is still in 'development' but I'll whisper the idea to you as long as you promise to spread the word! Added to the product line will be wearable oil paintings. I am in the process of creating necklaces featuring original oil paintings on ivory (authentic elephant ivory reclaimed from old piano keys). There may be another new product or two, but all will still focus on oil paintings of regional scenes.
Other stuff...My participation in 'Pay It Forward' is nearly done. One person that I nominated did not respond to my address request but it is understandable why. The 'gift' is still here, waiting, just in case.
Key work is still coming in on a somewhat regular basis. Friday I shipped out two finished sets.
One went to God, the other to Jesus. They both had addresses with a view.
My mom said that I'd better hope they liked my work!
So as to be able to remember to notify them when their keys would arrive, I wrote the information on the back of a business card from the shipping company. It read:
God Weds
Jesus Mon
The company name on the flip side is ESP.
Left the shipper's hoping I didn't lose the card someplace along the sidewalk. Might scare the person who would find it!
Oh rats! Yes, indeed. And I've named him Junior. Mom called to me a few evenings ago to look out her back window. Lo and behold, there was an enormous rat darting in and out from under the fence in to my mom's garden. He was eating the birdseed that had fallen to the ground from the feeder. We don't like this one bit, folks. We like chipmunks. We like squirrels. But mice and fat rats....NO!
Sooooooooo, today we headed for the hardware store to see what there was to see in the 'rid yourself of rodents' department. There's not much. First item was the monstrous spring-loaded trap. Not an option. Might catch Chippy or Son of Squirt instead. Then there were the sticky traps and we ruled them out for the same reason. We could have purchased a humane trap, but then what does one do with a live rat? Can't really release it many places for it to thrive. We thought and thought and then very reluctantly opted for poison. Now, no lectures about what these poisons do. I know what they do. I don't like what they do. But THIS IS A RAT. We had located Junior's home nestled down and between the roots of an old tree stump. Today, while Junior slept, we inserted a poison briquette in his home. We covered it and the opening well with plastic weighted down with granite. We wanted to make sure that no cats (or squirrels or chipmunks) could get to the poison. Hopefully, tonight will be Junior's last supper.
And finally...upon the suggestion of a few colleagues, I've written a story for publication. Watch for updates.
I hate rats! uuugghh!
'...did not feel inspired to write...........'!!! Crikey. I never let that bother me. I just write any ol' junk!
My 'Pay it Forward' efforts have not produced anything, so if you do contribute, you'll be the only one who has! Sod 'em, I say! (only kidding!)
I think it's good that you did the craft fair though, even if sales weren't quite what you would have wanted. Better than not doing it at all and wondering how it might have gone. I like your idea of wearable miniature oil paintings, and that it's re-using old piano keys too, it's a nice combination of your interests. Let us know how it goes, if you get time
I know what you mean about not posting due to lack of motivation, I've been off and on for months now. Life takes over and the blog falls by the wayside a bit. And good luck with the rat - rather you than me...
dickiebo, We are definitely not fond of Junior, although he has provided us with some entertainment. I'll dedicate my next post to his story.
And for PIF. Well, thought it was a pretty nifty idea and it was fun. Once I'm sure that the gifts have been received I'll post about the weighty subject.
Claire, thanks so much for your encouragement. I've received notices for a couple other fairs in neighboring towns but I'm hesitant to participate as they are outdoors. I'm not so involved with it that I have a tent, and I worry about paying ahead and then having rain. Junior seems to have, well, disappeared (if you get my drift).
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