Thursday, December 20, 2007

Getting Irritated

with Blogger.

Are you listening, all you OpenID initiating gurus?

I have left a rather explicit comment on the Blogger-in-Draft blog. Well, they asked for opinions of the new OpenID comment system that has been instituted. I am hoping that they will get things worked out or allow those of us that wish to to be able to keep the old comment system. In the meantime, I will continue to experiment with possible 'workarounds' for friends over at WordPress as no one seems to have any answers.

Oh, for those of you wondering what the ____I'm talking about...
The new comment system initiates a verification process that, in simple terms, verifies that the blogger leaving the comment is really and truly who they say they are online. No spoofing accounts.

Now I can get it to work, albeit a pain, from my LiveJournal account to any Blogger account, and Blogger to Blogger is fine, but WordPress to Blogger just isn't working and it is suppose to.

From what I have read on Blogger, there has been enough screaming that something will change soon.

I hope.

On another matter, I will be removing 'Who Me?' from my blog list as her blog is now private.

Checked 'Blogger Buzz' this morning and found this statement:
Two fixes just went live, before we sign off for a brief holiday break:

* Unregistered commenters can once again provide an auto-linked URL [Help Group Thread]
* Images in the Header page element will no longer be cropped vertically

We apologize for having broken these features for you. Your blogs and Help Group posts showed us the true extent to which you used and cared about these features, so please let us know if they're still being problematic.

Thanks for your patience!


Little Wing said...

Yes, lots of complaints!
Sometimes I wonder if anyone at blogger knows what the heck they are doing!

dickiebo said...

Up & at 'em, Deb! Good girl. Must say, I'm sick of it. Bloody nonsense - and hardly an 'improvement'.

deb said...

It's a mess. I did notice that one of the comments on the Blogger blog came from a WordPress account. However it was sent last month. At least we know it worked at one time!

Somehow the system broke and either the complaints are falling on deaf ears or they can't seem to get it fixed.

It is a great idea but is far too complicated to use.

BTW, the only way I can find to redirect to WordPress in a comment is to actual enter your link (using the 'a' HTML tag) within the comment field.

Anonymous said...
On this comment I'm trying a workaround. There's no post at the address above! Now I'm going to post this comment using 'nickname' and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm trying a different way with still using 'nickname'.

deb said...

YAY! The second version worked!

WordPress folks....

To comment at Blogger...Do not use 'sign-in using', use 'nickname' and then type in your blog URL.

Anonymous said...

Like this? Probably bloody not.

Anonymous said...

What about this, then?

deb said...

Guess both worked so chose the easiest of whatever you did!

dickiebo said...

They both worked yesterday, Deb, but neither have today!!!

Anonymous said...

Huh? This worked.