Sunday, October 24, 2010

In Response

to my last self-portrait post may I present two historic title references.

The first, the Van Gogh (without bandage, without hat, Scribbs)

And another title example, a self portrait by Gustave Corbet.

For those of you wondering what on earth I'm talking haven't read the previous post.  Go read!


shadowy scribbs said...

I prefer your self-portrait photo to the paintings of Vinnie and Gustave.

Neither one looks like the kind of person you'd want to hoist a few with down at the local watering-hole.

Yours, at least, suggests a sunny disposition!

deb said...

Well, yes, but might suggest a bit of a quirky thinker...

I guess preferable to Vinnie's seriously morose outlook of himself and Gus' self-importance.