Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Past in Art, More Estey, The Answer

Strange thing happened the other day. I had some spare time (okay that's not the only strange thing) and I decided to do some "googling". I checked out some names from my past. I started with a couple of professors that I had when I attended Massachusetts College of Art. Didn't find too much. A couple exhibits mentioned and my former painting instructor is evidently big into the global warming issue. Anyway, I just kept poking around for a bit. Then I thought of the woman that I had taken painting lessons from yeeeaaars ago. I was twelve years old when I start semi private lessons and stopped when I left for college. She had helped me gain membership to the Haverhill Arts Association. I was the youngest member (traditionally adults only). Her name - Barbara Baldwin. I was surprised at what I found.

She had just died. May 5, 2007. She was 93 years old. There's a nice obit here. Scroll down the page to find her.

It got me looking through my old scrap album from when I used to exhibit. How things change.


I got an email, today, from a couple interested in taking a look at the Estey organ that I went to see just over a week ago. I've arranged to meet them at a local restaurant on Wednesday afternoon. From there they will follow me out to the Norton Farm. I'm looking forward to going back there and hope I can take some pictures as I am driving in. I am also hoping that if I do manage the pictures, that they will illustrate the feeling for the place.

So....yippee for the freebie job on Wednesday. Friday, I tune once again for the Rockport Art Association, and Saturday I'll be heading for Marblehead to remove the upper innards from a Hardman Duo player piano for rebuilding. The melodeon is almost complete and I'll take some pictures of that soon. The biggest hassle in the restoration has been reveneering the top with rosewood and getting it to match the "worn" finish of the rest of the instrument. Thank goodness some big jobs are finishing (pay off) and starting (deposit money)....trying to finish paying my property taxes!


Remember this picture? Well, it isn't circus elephant graves! I do like that answer though.

While I was having dinner at Ellen's Harborside, Dan came in with his sister and sat at the table next to me. We were just catching up on news and the thought came to me to ask him about the mounds. Well.....Dan knows just about everything.....really. He's a very perceptive guy. So, "Hey Dan, I've got a question for you. At the top of Summit Avenue there are these weird stone mounds. What are they?"

And Dan told me.

Want to know?

Are you sure?

Remember, there used to be a hospital, years and years ago.

They are mass graves.

From an influenza epidemic in the late 1800's.