Monday, April 26, 2010

Going In Circles

Okay, I just spent the majority of the day on Manning research. First at the SBHS, then at the Rockport Room of the public library. One step backwards. The photo of Manning's last shop that I posted a couple days ago is incorrect. I've just noted that on that post. More photo taking will be in order. So...number two is not number two, then to now. It actually was switched to the opposite side of the street while none of us were looking! Old number two is new number 1B. I also now have addresses for Manning businesses that range from 18 Main Street to 38, 40 1/2, 50, and 71. I do have a very accurate description of the 'genealogy' of the buildings on Main Street and will be using this info to find the exact locations that I want to photograph.

And on it goes, more to come!


Mary said...

Is that Who's on first and What's on second or . . .?

If you need an excedrin, stop by!

deb said...

Hehe, actually I did have a headache at the end of the day. Next week I'll be going through all the county business directories for the appropriate years and compiling an exact list of dates, business, and address if available. Then I'll go back to the library and photocopy the building genealogy so I can have a copy to thoroughly decipher. (should have done that yesterday)