Saturday, June 16, 2007

Buddies Bring Big Smiles

I just couldn't resist.

Here's Chip chowing down!

And Squirt feasting on sunflower seeds at the sunflower!

And best of all................

Here are their namesakes just waiting to meet their real life counterparts!

Readers will remember Chip's delightful arrival just after the new year. Now he's joined by his friend, Squirt. Thank you, Jayne, for both Chip and Squirt! You have brought more smiles than you will ever know.


Netcrimes said...

You are very welcome - have a wonderful birthday and make sure Squirt and Chip don't fight over the seeds.

dickiebo said...

You old softy! Sure you don't want to borrow my 12 bore?
Have a nice birthday Deb and - don't worry about me. You and Mandy (bet she loves that!!)have a nice meal in Ellens's. Yea, I'll be alright.

deb said...

It's a good thing I know you have a sense of humor!

What *will* you be doing for your B'day?

morgetron said...

We love the squirrels -- hate the rabbits. They eat everything! The only strange thing is that my husband is collector of shed horns and so we have antlers on our back deck. We have often awoken to the sound of the squirrels gnawing on them.

And, by the way, I love your profile photo.