So, I made it appear at the top of my Christmas list. Amanda seized upon the 'ingredients' and now my new venture, stolen from the past, has begun.
The items that comprised my ingredient list were the beginnings of starting oil painting once again. For enjoyment and maybe for a bit a play money as well.
It's been over 15 years since I seriously worked at painting. In those days I worked in acrylics and in gouache. Previous to that, through high school and college, strictly oils. I've decided to work small. It's manageable with small living quarters! And painting small works makes them far more marketable (affordable). So right now I'm at the practice stage. Getting back in to the 'feel' of it. I plan on painting local scenes...Rockport up through Newburyport...and begin setting up at the local arts fairs. Another plan is to do commission work by doing small 'masterpieces' depicting the client's home.
You go girl!
What a wonderful gift you have!
Thanks. It's really enjoyable.
Hey, how are you doing with the mess of weather there?
Really glad to see that you are utilising your spare time, gal. Should have made a few bob by the time that your fav eating house re-opens.
PS. Don't forget.we knew you when you were a nobody!
Spare time? That extra day per week is still on the top of my 'wants' list. Of course as soon as I start having a bit of fun real work comes in. Life is just so unfair.
I doubt that the art will be a paying enterprise by late April. I need to work feverishly to create enough stock. Number Two has been started.
I'll photograph the completed Number One shortly. My Mom and I kidded that we would have a contest...the practice painting is done from a 1930's postcard sent from the UK. If you can identify the exact location and the people in it, you win it!
The people in it???? First names, or both names?
Well, I s'pose if you can manage the location I'll be satisfied with just surnames.
Yep, go for it! That's a great start to the new year. The commission idea sounds a good one, people are so proud of their homes and it would be a lovely thing to have. Also a really personal gift for someone to give.
Better than a printout from Google Earth, which my brother was showing us a while back!!
House portraits.
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