Friday, November 03, 2006

T.G.I.F. (again)

Thoughts while walking today....why do so many people think only of themselves? What a shame. My life has been so enriched by so many people, how could I not care about others? I've mentioned before about the "privileged", the line cutters, me, me, me folks. I read in Dear Abby, not long ago, about a mother who had the nerve to tell a neighbor to hand out *her* daughter's favorite candy for Halloween. Huh???? I'm sorry, I don't get it. Just think how much better things would be if everyone just put even *one* other person first for a day. Or just thought of someone besides themself for a moment.

Try to be thankful for who is around you, not how much more you can get.

So you know, those of you I invited to read my blog are thought of each day. Each of you.


WWW ....... world wide web - no. Wacky Work Week! Keys are coming in like crazy. Two sets local, two sets from San Francisco, one set from Florida (can I ship myself back with those?) Hey, the guy that forgot to include a return address with his keys finally noticed he had a piano with no keys and he called with an address LOL. It took 4 phone calls and 3 emails before the guys from SF CA settled on what they wanted!

The next reed organ will be arriving in a couple weeks. I'm looking forward to starting on that. Next week I hope to call the player piano customer who has been patiently waiting for me to get started on his piano. Busy, busy, busy.

Loads of tuning calls, too. I'm glad things have picked up. Not only holiday shopping coming up but RE taxes and PTG dues. I just spent nearly $400 on advertising by paying for my PTG Journal ad for the upcoming year and contributing to the Chamber of Commerce Christmas program. That gets me a listing in the holiday calendar. Yikes doubled!


I'm starting my Christmas shopping tomorrow. I like to have most of the big stuff done by Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to have my cards all written by then, too. Then, of course, there are the 105 Christmas cards to sign to give to newspaper customers. Like I said's about other people....


My dad got a good report from his eye surgeon. Everything is progressing as it should. He goes to his lung specialist in a few weeks and I imagine that he will send him for a CT scan. I hope that his cancer has not gotten much worse. This scan will probably indicate how fast (or slowly) the cancer is growing.

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