A while back
dickiebo posted some pictures that were a visual play on the similarities between Sumner, New Zealand and his home of Mumbles, Wales. And then just a few days ago he posted some photos that were taken while he and B were walking along the Promenade in Mumbles.
One in particular caught my eye.
This is dickiebo's photo along the Promenade.

After seeing dickiebo's, I went to nearby Gloucester, MA and took this photo to offer in return!

This is The Boulevard. And if it seems a tad blurry, there's a reason. When I stood out there to take the photo, the temperature was about 25°F with winds gusting to 40mph! I had to lean against the railing to try to keep the camera steady.
Of course the tide being out on the east side of the Atlantic MUST mean that it was in on the west side....LOL
Blimey Deb. Even the woman walking along is the same. Honest!
Uncanny likeness. Ain't it?
Brilliant in the planning, now wasn't it??!!
That is just simply amazing!!!!!!!!
I probably should have waited for a calmer, grayer day but by the time that would have coincided with available time, I would have forgotten about doing it!
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