Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thoughts on the Approaching Days

Handmade candy canes at Tuck's Candy Factory

Yeah. The holidays. Used to be my favorite time of year. When we lived in Florida, I would take the entire week from Thanksgiving Thursday until the next to decorate our house. Inside and out. The weather was usually fair enough that decorating outside was a pleasure. I'd light up everything I could. The house was trimmed including windows and doors. The shrubbery was lit and the front walk illuminated. Even the two Canary Island palms in our front yard had spirals of lights up their trunks and three layers of palm fronds delicately sported multi-colored mini-lights. One year I made two huge flamingos that wore wreath necklaces and held a 'Happy Holidays' banner between them. Inside was our 7 foot Christmas tree, a handmade creche, antique decorations, and sparkly table pieces.

Here it's different. It's too cold to do much outside. We usually decorate the two window boxes with greens and berries. The door gets a wreath. We have our big tree in my mom's living room and a small feather tree in mine. There are some special decorations that get displayed but most of mine stay stored in an old steamer trunk. My mom insists that the cold and snow makes it seem more like Christmas. I find the anticipation of a long, white winter depressing.

Something else has been annoying about THE holiday for a couple years now. We have always written lists for 'Santa'. No one gets everything on their list, but it gives the others ideas for gifts. For the past couple years my mom has dominated the lists. No consultation. She chooses items to buy and give, generally leaving 'the dregs' for the rest of us to pick through to find something. I think that's why she starts her shopping sooooo early. This year I suggested that we limit our purchasing. There's not much any of us 'girls' need. Maybe just a few items apiece. Everyone has had a difficult time writing meaningful lists. 'A' is always last to write hers, so I did a little thinking and came up with a couple items. I made the mistake of mentioning them to my mom. The other evening I found out she had bought both gifts. It's a good thing she asked me what I was planning on buying 'A'! When I told her what my major gift would be she informed me that she had already bought it. She hadn't planned on telling me! Well, that would have been quite a surprise Christmas morning. 'A' went shopping with her the other day and came home complaining about the same situation.

Next year there will be two different lists. One from each for mom/grandma and we'll exchange different lists between 'A' and me.

I've also been running an unofficial experiment. Mom is frequently at us about leaving stuff around. If I forget my coffee mug in her den after breakfast she is sure to remark on my negligence. Well, two days ago one of mom's jackets appeared hanging over the back of my kitchen chair. She walks past it each time she heads for the cellar...laundry, trash, recycling, or to talk to me while I'm working. I'm determined not to move it. We'll see how long it stays there......out of place!

Today, I went down to Cracker Jacks (boasts being Rockport's little department store - somewhat an exaggeration - but it is quite amazing what you can find there) to buy a gift box. I saw some really nice Christmas cards so I bought them, too. I'd already finished writing out all my cards for this year. Finished that two nights ago. I already had enough cards for next year, but I liked these I saw today. So, now I'm all set for the next two years! I've done some shopping, more to go. I know what we need to buy for my mom and yes, 'A' is now the problem. I'll have to start nagging her for a list for me since mom, well, you know.

Plans for the other holiday, Thanksgiving, are all made. No cooking for me! After last year's dining out disaster, we are trying for dining out success. This year we are going to a buffet at the Village Green. At least we'll be able to pick and choose our meals rather than the' eat what's on your plate whether you like it or not because it cost a small fortune' approach.

I think this Christmas dinner will be a quiet one. I've promised to make 'Cito's Special" for dinner since last Christmas and 'A' has patiently waited. Looks like she'll get it for Christmas dinner this year. I'll teach her how to make it at the same time! 'Cito's Special' is named after the manager of the Toronto Blue Jays. Actually, it was his wife that made it for my mom and dad when my mom was recuperating from back surgery. It's a chicken, mushroom and poppyseed casserole. It takes all afternoon to make it.

Hopefully after a little work in the morning, 'A' and I will go do some Christmas shopping before she has to go to work. That is, IF she goes to work. She's got a sore throat.

What next?

1 comment:

Claire said...

I must admit that I've been thinking about and actually buying Christmas presents already, which I've not done for years, though it's only for my mum so far. Things that will make her day to day life nicer and more enjoyable, as she always gets really depressed around Christmas. Like museum membership so she can go to events with her friends as guests. I don't know whether it's because no-one's got any money these days and things seem so grim everywhere, but I'm finding I'm appreciating my family much more than I used to.

Oh, and I like the sound of your past style of doing decorations with everything lighting up, that's one of the things that brightens up gloomy winter for me in London!