Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Once Again!

I have proven that I give people too much credit!

So, yes, it is in the local paper that tech ABC has been evicted from his building! Court ordered for failure to pay his lease. Over $11,000 due in back payment. Place is locked up and he and his sub-leasees locked out. Phooey. I'm not happy.


That was front page........page two........Rockport news.
BIG article on email scams. Glad it's in there don't get me wrong. But........what took them sooooo long! Over six months ago I created hand-outs for the police department (they were also made available at the library) on how to recognize online scams and phishing. I encouraged the police department to make a little note in the local paper about the availability of the hand-outs. Nothing. I had also written to the GDTimes about the upswing in email scams and made reference to WHOA as an information and aid resource. I sent this to the "Letters to the Editor" page. It was timely as they had had several reports about victims of email scam. Nada.

Now they've got this big report like this is something new! Come on folks! Where have you been? You go online and you've invited the WORLD to Cape Ann. Certainly they can't think that this is recent stuff.

I have very mixed feelings...it was a pretty good article. I'm glad it's in the paper. But I feel like I beat my head against a wall continually. Maybe I'll try another "letter" in response.


FYI, my computer(s) will be hospitalized briefly for a couple minor procedures. I will be "off" from late Wednesday of this week until ??? Hopefully just a day or so. I'll post here as soon as they're back home!

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