Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Amanda and I went shopping together, yesterday. I guess it was more like I did the driving and she did the shopping. A couple DVDs, a couple CDs, and she finally broke down and bought a DVD recorder. It's one that can also be used to copy VHS to DVD. This is good. She is techno smart and will figure out how to use it in no time. However, she is hardware slow so it becomes my job to "hook it up". I read the instructions. Yikes! I feel like NASA should be a training ground for this project. Okay, the actual hook up seems simple enough. I'm not sure about a few of the tech terms that will be in questions that this thing will ask. I feel stupid but, I'm sorry, I don't know what type of TV she has. I know its 3:4 or was that 4:3? That part, which ever, I know because the only other choices come under wide screen. It's *not* that. But is it the one that is 3 digits with an "i" at the end or 3 digits with a "p"? I haven't a clue. She has the day off on Friday so I will be making the hook up attempt then.

How do you like the title to this post? I thought it labeled me perfectly.

I created another word awhile back. It was when that senator or congressman or someone was caught and photographed with his "girlfriend" on a sailboat down around the Dade County area. I probably have all those details wrong. As I remember, he was considering running for Pres. maybe? Hmmm...I'm not to good at remembering political specifics. Anyway, my word for what he did...politicide. Killed his career in politics.

Guess what? Give up? Okay, I'll tell. All my Christmas shopping is done. It's all wrapped (minus bows as I have to be able to stack all the boxes in my closet, out of sight), all my cards are sent, and all the customer cards have been handed out! I took my mom on a little shopping trip to a Home Goods store, today. Just for fun, just to browse. I like doing this at this time of year. I get to watch everyone else madly trying to get caught up with their shopping! I did buy a couple things. I bought another roll of wrapping paper. I bought it because - alot on the roll for very little $$$, I liked it, and I didn't need it but will use it eventually. I also bought a box of "antique look" glass ornaments, little snowmen, santas, stockings, and mittens. They are miniature size and perfect additions to my artificial Victorian feather tree.

Good stuff came in the mail today....three checks!!! Payments for keywork. Now I'm only waiting on one more BIG one. Since the week between Christmas and New Year is generally slow work-wise, I'll be getting all my tax paperwork ready for that enormous chore. Oh yeah, New Year's. Rockport has a celebration. This will be the 10th year they have done it so it should be real good. I'm really hoping a friend will come and join me for the evening.

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